Location per Team Building: Scegliere lo Spazio Giusto per il Tuo Evento
Innovazione e Tradizione: Location Storiche per un Team Building Memorabile Nell’universo delle location per team building, gli spazi storici rappresentano una scelta di grande fascino e valore. L’atmosfera unica che si respira tra le mura di un edificio ricco di storia aggiunge una dime...
From industry 4.0 to sailing 4.0
SAILING AND COMPANIES: FROM INDUSTRY 4.0 TO SAILING BOAT 4.0 by Olimpia Ponno, training manager and coordinator CMNED What is the sport of sailing? It is not only one of the oldest sports in the world, but it is also a strong driver of communication used by the most advanced companies for team build...
Great Development for the events in the world of sailing
According to the Cristiana Monina Nautical Event Development, B2B/B2C companies are approaching the world of sailing always more often to organize effective, impactful and entertaining events. Cristiana Monina Nautical Events Development (CMNED), active in the event industry since 2013, co-organize...